2011, εκτυπώσεις inkjet σε διαφανή επιφάνεια, προβολή θάλασσας (video)

Impression inkjet sur surface transparente, projection video

Injet print on transparent material, video projection


Musée d'art contemporain

Museum of contemporary art




Las Encantadas


26 April 2009, Louvre, Room 27

I see them, the enchanted ones

Four pillars with two figures in relief each, in a base

that is not theirs. Their architrave is missing too.

I look at them carefully. They look suffering.

I dont touch them. For me, their substance was never material.

Their memory existed before their image.

I close my eyes and I reopen them in Thessaloniki port.

I let their image on the water, where they were once loaded,

on the ship named “La Truite” in 1864 for France.

Remembering is more important than possesing.


Teta Makri









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